
Meet Kim Anami: Holistic Sex and Relationship Coach

For Kim Anami, the journey to enlightenment has an extraordinary meaning.

 “Enlightenment is a constant work in progress. We all are,” says sexpert Anami.

Sanskrit for the unnamable one, Anami refers to the highest plane of God. The holistic sex and relationship coach gave herself the name after spending decades living off-grid, studying Taoist philosophy, and practicing tantra.

Now, Anami wants to share the power of sex to awaken, transform, and accelerate one’s journey to self-actualization.

“My coaching is a spiritual synthesis of three decades of tantra, Taoism, Osho, transpersonal psychology, philosophy, and a host of quantum growth-accelerating practices,” she explains.

The result? Life-changing experiences.

You Can Transform Your Life Through Sex

Kim Anami asserts that sex is source of energy, not a drain.

“If sex doesn’t make you feel rejuvenated, energized, and transformed, you’re doing it wrong,” she asserts. “Every woman can have high libido and multiple vaginal orgasms. Every man can make love to his partner for eight hours.”

The reason why we aren’t all already doing this? It all comes down to sexual taboos, shame, and even trauma.

“Taboos: break them,” Anami insists in one of her many informative YouTube videos. “There’s a huge amount of energy in taboo.” This is just one of the many ways to break the barriers to transformation alongside practices such as eating ejaculate and vaginal weightlifting.

Anami can lift up to 10 pounds with her vagina, and journeyed around the world lifting objects of cultural significance on a campaign called #thingsiliftwithmyvagina. She’s happy to share that her powerful vagina gives her access to more (and better) orgasms and a stronger, healthier pelvic floor — among other things.

“Once you have this skill, you can cause your man to ejaculate (or not!) with the power of your vagina alone,” she says.

Vaginal Kung Fu and Other Salons

As part of her mission to share life-changing sexual practices, Kim Anami offers a number of courses she calls salons.

The Vaginal Kung Fu Salon guides women through exercises in vaginal strength training.

“Every woman should be able to shoot a pingpong ball out of her vagina,” she insists. Not sure you can? The Vaginal Kung Fu Salon can get you there and increase vaginal sensation and function.

The costs of a weak vagina are not to be ignored, the sex coach explains. “The effects of a dull vagina and unfulfilling sex life spill over into everything: your relationship, your career, your family, your friends.”

With the help of exercises in self-love, orgasm harnessing, and jade egg vaginal strengthening, women can take back control of their pleasure inside and outside of the bedroom.

Vaginal Kung Fu isn’t Kim Anami’s only salon. The Well-F–ked Woman Salon guides women through physical, emotional, and spiritual exercises designed to reenergize and reconnect the mind, heart, and genitals.

“A big universal block is Madonna-whore,” she points out. “You’re either a virgin or a slut.” Unfortunately, this social messaging separates women from connecting with their bodies and sexuality. This leaves them finding sex unenjoyable and results in becoming under-f–ked. The Well-F–ked Woman Salon addresses that.

These are far from Anami’s only offerings. On her website, you’ll also find salons for Sexy Mama, G-Spot Ecstasy, Sexual Mastery for Men, and Coming Together for Couples.

Kim Anami on Relationships

“Our intimate relationship is a huge energy source,” Anami insists. “When it’s thriving and things are going really well, that gives us a lot of rejuvenation, inspiration, and love that can carry us through all parts of our lives. Conversely, when it’s not going well, that’s a huge drain in our lives.”

As an expert in sexual pleasure and self-knowledge, Anami is qualified to help clients harness sexual energy, enhance their sense of connection, and boost creativity in and out of the bedroom.

Men can use breathing exercises to last longer during sex and even learn to separate orgasm from ejaculation. Women should be having multiple vaginal orgasms that feel like gourmet sex and connect them more deeply to their sexual selves.

Together, couples can remove the sexual blockages keeping them from being their best selves together. From cultural myths about losing the spark to traumas that linger in the body, these limitations around sex can be unlearned.

“It’s not normal to lose your sex drive and desire after two years,” Anami says. If that happens, you can fix it. “When a couple is on this journey together, they combine forces and amplify a hundredfold and become massive power generators.”

This power generation leads not only to better sex but additional energy for family, career, and goals. Anami has seen clients grow successful businesses, lose weight, and live more fulfilling lives after working with her to tap into the power of sex.

The Journey to Self-Actualization

Unlearning limiting beliefs and establishing energetic sexual flow requires digging deep into the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical aspects of ourselves.

This is why Kim Anami’s salons include meditations, reflections, and tools for stimulating bodies and genitals.

In addition to jade eggs for vaginal strength training, Anami boasts a beautiful line of handblown glass dildos. Explicitly designed for cervical and g-spot stimulation, these dildos provide women with deeper, more intense internal vaginal orgasms.

“The clit is literally the tip of the iceberg,” she explained in a recent interview. “Ninety percent of female sexuality is in the vagina.”

To truly have gourmet sex rather than the junk food sex many people find themselves subsisting on, women must explore their internal selves both spiritually and physically.

This is the path to having soul-stretching, bed-shaking, neighbor-complaining sex — all the time.

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