
How to store/preserve your CBD oil?

Having understood the benefits that come along with CBD oil, you will spend your money to buy it. After you buy CBD oil, you should have a strong understanding on how to store and preserve it. If you don’t focus on proper storage, you will be losing the value associated with it. Hence, it would not be possible or you to experience all the benefits that CBD oil is capable of delivering as well. In this guide, we will share all the steps that you should follow in order to store CBD oil properly.

What are the ideal conditions for storing CBD oil? 

You should understand that CBD oil is quite sensitive to the chances of light, oxygen, and temperature. Therefore, you should be storing CBD oil in a cool and quiet pantry. You will be able to store them along with the other foods in your pantry as it would not cause any issues.

Frankly advise that if you can store CBD oil in perfect conditions, you will be able to retain the value offered to you for a duration of around 14 months. In other words, this would be the perfect option available for you to extend the shelf life associated with CBD oil. 

CBD oil is coming to you along with a carrier oil. This is why it is important for you to be mindful about the carrier oil as you store CBD oil as well. Then you will be able to retain the integrity associated with CBD oil. On top of that, you can continue to experience the benefits that are coming along with CBD oil for a longer period of time.

Things to be mindful about as you store CBD oil

Here are some of the most important factors that you should be mindful about as you continue to store CBD oil. If you can focus on these, you can take good care of CBD oil and store it properly.

Always keep CBD oil away from direct sunlight 

When you are storing CBD oil, you will need to keep it away from direct sunlight at all times. That’s because CBD oil is highly vulnerable to damage caused by light. If you expose CBD oil to direct sunlight, it would not be possible for you to retain their value at all. Therefore, you should not place the bottle of CBD oil near a sunny window. You should not even keep them on the car dashboard or on top of a counter as it would cause a lot of damage. 

Make sure that you are using a dark pantry for the storage of CBD oil. It should also be cool and dry. On the other hand, you can think about storing CBD oil in the refrigerator as well. 

Keep CBD oil away from being exposed to heat 

Another important thing you should be mindful about as you store CBD oil would be to keep it away from heat. That’s because heat can create changes to the chemical composition of CBD oil and lead your numerous challenges. If you deep dive and take a look at CBD oil, you will notice how the oil is made with numerous minerals. These minerals would be destroyed because of heat. If CBD oil is exposed to heat, it would give out a muddy and buttery texture.

When you are storing CBD oil in a cupboard, you should make sure that there aren’t any appliances that generate heat around it. On the other hand, you should keep CBD oil away from the heat that direct sunlight can cause as well. You shouldn’t store them near the stove or oven at any given instance. On the other hand, you should refrain from placing CBD oil near a window, where it can be damaged by the heat caused by sunlight. Likewise, it is a good idea not to keep CBD oil in your car, as there is a possibility for the car to be heated up like an oven after parking it under the sun for quite some time.

Don’t expose CBD oil to air 

You should also refrain from exposing CBD oil to air as much as possible. That’s because exposing CBD oil to air would reduce the quality of it. In other words, you will not be able to get the desired level of effectiveness from CBD oil when it is exposed to air. In other words, oxygen has the potential to create a change in the chemical equilibrium that you can find in CBD oil. This process is known as oxidative stress. If you want to maximize the efficiency and potency of CBD oil, you will need to adhere to the recommendations that are given by the manufacturer when storing it. 

Most of the CBD oil products come along with bottles or in the form of oral applicators. All these are airtight. That’s because they are well-protected from the damages that can take place due to the exposure to oxygen. Make sure that you always keep CBD oil in the original bottle as it can deliver utmost protection to what you buy. On the other hand, you will need to make sure that you place the cap back on and tightly seal CBD oil after you open the bottle.

Final words

Maximum longevity that you can get out of CBD oil is around 14 months. However, you should keep the facts shared through this article in mind and store CBD oil in a perfect environment. Then you can experience maximum longevity that CBD oil is offering. If CBD oil is exposed to sunlight, air, or heat, it would go through numerous changes. For example, you will have to experience a change in color and a change in smell. On the other hand, you will also have to experience a change in the effects that CBD oil is capable of delivering to you. 

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