
Everything You Need To Know About Head Lice

Because there are no seasons, they can be caught anytime and anywhere: lice. LFM tells you everything you need to know about this scalp parasite. No, having head lice is not a sign of poor hygiene. And no, they don’t jump from head-to-head.

The proximity between schoolchildren facilitates the return of lice, a real nightmare for parents. This parasitic insect conveys many received ideas. For example, having lice is not a sign of poor hygiene. Indeed, the louse feeds on blood, not the sebum secreted by the scalp. He, therefore, has no reason to prefer oily hair! On the other hand, it clings much more easily to long loose hair. Remember to tie up your toddler’s long hair as a precaution and you need to go for treatment in clinics like Lice Treatment indianapolis in the case of infection.

Four To Eight Eggs A Day

The louse feeds exclusively on human blood, so animals cannot transmit it! Another unfounded legend, the louse does not jump from one head to another. Unlike the flea, he is incapable of making such great leaps! It simply moves from individual to individual during direct and prolonged contact, such as during a hug or when getting close head-to-head in a selfie. Be careful; this scalp parasite can live up to 36 hours without feeding and therefore stay on a cap or towel! So, remember to isolate all the elements that could have been contaminated.

Lavender is a natural insecticide, and its repellent power is true! It is a natural insecticide, like vinegar, which you can dissolve in water to rinse your children’s hair.

A female can lay 150 to 300 eggs in 50 days, so treating your child with the first symptoms, such as itching or pimples, is imperative.

Lice: How To Get Rid Of Them?

Lice treated by Lice Doctors for instance are unpleasant, but it does not rhyme with uncleanliness as the widespread myth. Here’s everything you need to know about these little bugs that love human blood and how to prevent and get rid of them.

Lice Info

Lice are tiny, brownish-grey insects that feed on human blood and are found on the scalp. When you have lice, you say you have pediculosis. Once adults, they measure 2 to 4 mm, a little about the size of a sesame seed, and live for about a month. The females lay about 10 eggs per day, so about 300 during their life, which explains why the infestation can occur very quickly if it is not noticed from the start. Lice eggs are called nits. They are small (0.5 mm), grayish or whitish and stuck to the hair shaft. They can be said to look slightly puffy, shiny, and transparent dandruff. They don’t brush off like dandruff; the only way to get rid of them is to glide them firmly through the hair.

Lice cause particularly unpleasant itching, but they do not transmit any disease and do not appear due to a lack of hygiene.

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