
What Responsibilities Do Customs Brokers Carry?

A customs broker is an individual who generally has a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders while managing the import and export. This is because they need to keep themselves updated about the dynamic rules of the Canadian Border Security Agency (CBSA). The CBSA also demands a lot many information and details about the importer and the goods that they are importing. Besides these, they also need to keep a close eye on the business of the importer and the products they are moving. Having the product knowledge will help them clear the packages. The specific responsibilities of a customs broker include:

  • Providing a copy of customs accounting document to their client that is prepared on their behalf.
  • Suggesting the clients the best ways of transferring funds to the receiver.
  • Promptly advising the clients about paying the GST and taxes.

What copies must the brokers keep?

  • Records of financial transactions while brokering.
  • Copies of documents transmitted to the CBSA via EDI.
  • Every other supporting document.
  • Records and accounts as sub-agents.

What are their specific responsibilities?

Importing has always been a very complex and sensitive business altogether. This is where the carefulness of the importers must increase because of the highest responsibilities assigned on their shoulders. The certain responsibilities of a customs broker are listed down below:

  • They must always provide factual and relevant information about the brokerage that they are conducting. There might be severe consequences to his actions if he fails to do so. This is because a very minor error in the product description and valuation estimation in imported products can lead to huge penalties.
  • A broker must ensure that an importer is not committing the same mistakes over and over again. If this happens, the CBSA will be directly dealing with the situation. CBSA is having records of all the penalties and the punishments.
  • The broker is entitled to review all the documents submitted by the third parties. Anything wrongly done or prepared will hold the importer under violation. The Customs Act will be looking into it.
  • The brokers must also ensure that the import processes are clear and do not violate the import guidelines. The Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) issues the penalties.
  • A broker must also have the records of the importers and maintain the details passing through them.

Clearit customs brokers also authorize brokers or accountants on their behalf to any importer who is NRI or does not have their offices in the country.

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