
Toe Nail Fungus – Answer To All Your Quarries

Nail fungus is a fungal nail infection, which causes brisk, tarnished nails usually on toes. Its medical term is onchomycosis andit’s a bit like athlete’s foot. It invades your nails excluding bottom or between your toes. When the fungus increases it leads to infection.

You shouldn’t be embarrassed if you are having a toe nail fungus. It is quite common. If you are dealing with such an issue without wasting any time contact Dr. Sima soltani podiatry office. There you get the most advanced treatment like laser treatment from the most qualified professionals. They have more than 20 years of experience in podiatry. Their patient satisfaction is remarkable, which is why they are considered as the best clinic for Laser Toe Nail Fungus. You can book an appointment by visiting their website podiatristinirvine, or you can directly visit their office located in Irvine.

Different Types of Toe Nail Fungus

  1. Distal Or Lateral Subungual Onchomycosis – It is the most common type. It originates from a fungus called dermatophyte. It deposits in the nail bed or beneath the nail. A yellow colored area spreads from the edges of the nail to the center.
  2. White Superficial Onchomycosis – It is uncommon and only affects the nail surface of the toe nail. It initiates as a white spot, followed by becoming powdery, finally cause the nail to decay.
  3. Proximal Subungual Onchomycosis – A white spot first appears on the center of the toe nail bed. As the toe nail grows it extends outwards. It is rare. It usually affects those, who are having immunity deficiency issues.
  4. Candidal Onchomycosis – Yeast is the main reason behind this disease. The area is often swollen and inflamed. In some cases, the nail comes out entirely. It basically happens when the toe nail is already damaged.

Symptoms of Fungal Nail Infection

Symptoms are usually different depending upon the type of fungal nail infection. It usually starts from being mild, leading to a serious one. Laser Treatment For Toe Nail Fungus is the most efficient treatment giving 100% results.

  1. Initially you may see a white or yellow spot under your toe nail. With time it spreads and turns your whole nail white, yellow, green and black.
  2. Density of the toe nail increases and becomes hard to trim.
  3. It starts to get loose from your nail bed.
  4. Your nail could decay and might fall off when you touch it.
  5. Your nail becomes deformed.
  6. A bad odor is noticed from your toe area.

Reasons Behind Fungal Toe Nail Infection

Since a fungus regenerates in the dark, warm places, toe nails are more prone to infection than the finger nails. Toes have less blood flow than the fingers. It makes harder for your body to prevent, detect and cure those infection. There are various reasons behind fungal nail infection:

  1. It’s common for your toenails to become brittle as you grow old
  2. Weak immune system
  3. Wearing shoes, which make your feet hot and sweaty
  4. Walking in bare foot in areas like gym showers, swimming pool, etc. These areas are a hub of fungal infection
  5. Living with someone having fungal infection
  6. Having athlete’s foot
  7. Recent injury or surgery on your nail
  8. Keeping your toe’s wet for a longer period of time

Treatment For Fungal Nail Infection

Consult your podiatrist if you are having fungal nail infection. Sometimes, it’s tough to get rid of it. Opting Laser Toe Nail Fungus Removal should be your first choice, if your infection have spread a lot. Treatments which are used by the podiatrist are:

  1. Oral Antifungal – The doctor might prescribe few pills to kill fungus. Treatment procedure lasts for about (2-3) months
  2. Topical Antifungal – Few liquids or ointments are used to rub on your toe nails. They work for mild infection. For serious infection it is non-effective. Combination of topical treatment with an oral one might work
  3. Surgery – If above treatment don’t work, the doctor may need to perform a surgery to remove the whole nail and let grow a new one.
  4. Laser or Photodynamic Therapy – This is the most advanced treatment to cure toe nail fungus. Its healing period is even shorter. Research is still on, to make this treatment more convenient and cost-friendly

How To Prevent Fungal Nail Infection?

  1. It’s good to wash your feet often. Use antibacterial soap and make sure it goes through your toes
  2. Keep your toe nails short and trimmed
  3. Wear socks which absorbs moisture, if your feet swats a lot, make sure you change your socks at a regular interval
  4. Use anti-fungal sprays or powders on your feet and shoes
  5. If you are regular with manicure, then choose the one, which disinfects the tools after using it on each client.
  6. Don’t share your towel with anyone who is infected with nail fungus

Complications Due To Fungal Nail Infection

It takes an ample amount of time to look as they were before. Infection might continue to have problems like:

  1. The fungus can return
  2. The nail can be permanently distorted
  3. The infection may spread to other parts of body
  4. Diabetic patients should take intense care of their skin, as they are more prone to get a serious skin infection

It’s easy to ignore fungal nail infection, as initially no pain occurs. If it is left untreated, acute pain happens, if any mild pressure is even applied on that area. If the infection gets intensified, it could make you impossible to walk. If any such issue is bothering you, do visit a podiatrist and get Toe Nail Fungus Laser Treatment done to ease day to day life complications.

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