
The Working of Spinal Cord Stimulation

Spinal cord stimulation is a relatively new, proven therapy that can help manage chronic pain. Some underlying causes of pain can be unresponsive to treatments like injections, opioids, and radiofrequency ablation. As a result, you may need to try out spinal cord stimulation Houston. The AP News reports that approximately 58,000 spinal cord stimulators are implanted annually in America.

The first pain treatment using spinal cord stimulation is reported to have been done in 1967. By the 1980s, that treatment had become available in many clinics and hospitals. Numerous devices from different brands with improved, sophisticated designs are available currently. They offer different stimulation parameters. Below are some things to note about spinal cord stimulation.

How spinal cord stimulation functions

Your physician will require a spinal cord stimulation device implanted in your body for a few weeks before you start full treatment. That allows your physician to test and examine the working of a spinal cord stimulator. If the device has a positive effect on your body, it will be suitable for you to undergo full treatment.

When turned on, the spinal cord stimulator emits controlled pulses of electric current that target adjacent nerves causing pain. Consequently, pain is alleviated because the released electrical pulses promote modifying and concealing the pain signals reaching your brain.

Remember that spinal cord stimulators cannot eliminate the underlying source of your pain. The delivery of electric pulses to your affected nerves and spinal cord only alters how your brain perceives pain and discomfort.

Painful conditions that spinal cord stimulators can relieve

If you have long-lasting pain affecting your back, particularly in the lower region, stimulating your spinal cord with electrical pulses can bring relief. Another chronic painful condition that can also benefit from this remedy is diabetes-related nerve damage.

Moreover, spinal cord stimulation can improve the pain resulting from a failed surgical procedure in the back.

There are continuing clinical studies to examine if spinal cord stimulation can improve spinal cord and nerve injuries. Also, researchers are trying to establish if spinal cord stimulation devices can relieve ischemic limb pain and angina.

Even though spinal cord stimulators are proven effective in long-lasting pain management, they may not suit you. Your painful condition may not be significantly relieved, and you may not like the uncomfortable sensations generated.

Potential risks of using spinal cord stimulators

Like most medical procedures, using spinal cord stimulators has some risks to your health. For example, the lead delivering electrical impulses to your spinal cord can slightly shift from its implanted position.

An infection can also develop in the region where a spinal cord-stimulating device is implanted. You can put yourself at less risk of infections after the procedure by regularly keeping the incision site clean. Getting adequate rest and avoiding intense physical activities or tasks can promote faster healing and recovery.

Before you begin your treatment, your doctor will inform you about the potential risks of this pain remedy.

Contact Expert Pain today to schedule an appointment with an expert that can manage your chronic pain through spinal cord stimulation.

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