
The best way to increase employee engagement and productivity

The best way to increase employee engagement and productivity

Creating a positive and friendly atmosphere at work is a smart decision that will help increase employee engagement, productivity and retain valuable professionals. Feedback with criticism, praise, and an action plan increases the level of motivation, shows the value of employees, and helps identify problems in the company; check how to conduct it properly in the article below.

What is 360-degree employee feedback?

If you want to get the most out of giving feedback, take care of a friendly atmosphere and hold informal one-on-one meetings from time to time. For example, go to the recreation area in the office or sit in comfortable chairs. Just remember the confidentiality of the dialogue and minimize the presence of other employees within a radius of two meters.

360-degree feedback is a response to specific actions of an employee and his work as a whole for a certain period of time-based on the results of his activity and productivity. It can be both positive and negative. The purpose of a 360 degree feedback survey is to adjust the employee’s actions so that he achieves his goals as quickly as possible or to confirm that he is acting correctly.

How to start the employee survey process?

Before starting the employee survey process, you must agree with the management. Below is a list of questions to which it would be good to know the answers before approving the project, which are the following:

  • Do you understand exactly what kind of feedback you want to get from employees and how you will get it?
  • Can you (if any) guarantee the anonymity of employees while you will receive not only generalized data?
  • Is the internal communication of the feedback process well-developed?

A survey maker is known for its comfortable format. It is characterized by simplicity, the most understandable interface. You can choose the language, and adjust the format of the quiz.

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