
Conserving Electricity This Summer: What Should You Do?


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Summer is all fun and games until you see your electricity bills skyrocketing due to air conditioning units being on 24/7. We’re currently going through one of the hottest summers on record, and trying to stay cool can take a toll on our energy consumption.

A great way to prepare for the summer is by switching to an affordable energy plan from Pulse Power Texas, which offers fixed rates and higher certainty when it comes to your energy bills.

Thankfully, there are simple steps you can take to ensure that you don’t break the bank trying to keep yourself cool during these hot months. Here are some key tips for reducing your energy costs this summer.

Maintain your HVAC system

Don’t wait for extreme temperatures to come before you do something about your HVAC system. It needs regular maintenance to ensure that they work optimally and don’t work overtime due to clogged filters and condensers. HVAC professionals can also help recommend some of the best types of central air conditioning units—ones that can help install a system that makes sense for your home, your needs, and your day-to-day comings and goings.

Switch to LED light bulbs

If you’re still using traditional bulbs, now is the time to switch to LED ones. Incandescent bulbs, which are on the older side, are designed in extremely inefficient ways as only about 10 to 15 percent of the energy they use gets turned into actual light—the rest basically becomes heat and, in turn, waste. LED lights use 75 percent less energy, are known for lasting 25 times longer, and the best part is that they run much cooler compared to traditional bulbs. While they might cost more when you buy them from the store, you save much more long-term because you won’t be spending as much on electricity bills and new bulbs.

Be strategic with your thermostat setting

Here’s a rule of thumb you need to remember: Every time you lower the temperature degree, you increase your energy consumption by up to 6 to 8 percent. Be mindful of your thermostat setting at all times because you don’t need to keep your house as cool as possible 24/7, especially if your home remains unoccupied. Just lower the temperature when there are people in the house, and try not to lower it when the air conditioning is running. Having both your thermostat and AC running won’t cool your home any quicker, and you will only be wasting a lot of electricity.

Consider investing in smart appliances

If you want to take the previous further, consider investing in a smart thermostat. As its name suggests, a smart thermostat is a device that will automatically adjust its temperature settings based on your preferences and habits and can adjust whenever you’re out of the house or when you’re sleeping. It is Wi-Fi-powered, which means you can connect it with your smartphone and other devices.

The best part is that it works to help your home be as energy-efficient as possible. Some local city governments and states even provide rebates and other perks when you install a smart thermostat in your home, so it’s a win-win for everyone.

Other smart appliances and fixtures also work the same way. They recognize your lifestyle and day-to-day habits and adjust according to your routine. Here is a list of available smart appliances and technologies you can look into:

  • Clothes washers and dryers
  • Pet food dispensers
  • Dishwashers
  • Refrigerators
  • Automatic vacuums
  • Television
  • Ovens and microwaves
  • Coffee makers
  • Security cameras
  • Smart home security systems

The future is smart, and you would also be smart to invest in this technology. Paying for them upfront might cause you to spend more, but you can think of them as investments that can help you save much more money in the long term.

Unplug it if you’re not using it

One of the habits you and your family need to build is unplugging devices that are not in use. Phantom power, also known as idle current or standby energy, is consumed when electronics, appliances, and devices are turned off but still plugged into a power source or outlet.

A study by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL) found that the average American home has at least 40 products that are always drawing power. While a coffee maker or television set that is plugged in might not be consuming as much electricity individually, they can account for as much as 10 percent of your home’s energy use when combined.

When it comes to saving money on electricity, little things and changes need to come together to create lasting change. So draft some rules, invest in some smart technologies, and mind your habits—and you can surely save costs on electricity bills.

Meta title:How You Can Effectively Conserve Electricity This Summer

Meta desc:This summer, you need not spend more on energy consumption to deal with the heat. Here’s how you can reduce your energy costs during the warmer months.

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