
6 Common Risk Factors For Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a health condition where tissue similar to that which typically develops inside the uterus grows in other areas throughout the body, often in the pelvic region. The symptoms of endometriosis Jackson Heights vary from one individual to another. Some women with endometriosis have serious discomfort and reduced life quality, whereas others have no symptoms at all. Endometriosis impacts a huge percentage of women in their childbearing years. Although any female who has started having periods can develop endometriosis, there are risk factors that heighten your likelihood of developing this condition. Continue reading to learn more.

  1. Family History

If somebody in your family has endometriosis, your risk of developing this condition is higher than in persons without a family history. Endometriosis in immediate family members like your sister, mother, or grandmother places you at the highest risk of developing this health condition. Likewise, if you have distant relatives like an aunt or cousin who has the condition, it increases your risk.

  1. Menstrual Cycle Characteristics

The more exposure you have to menses, the higher your chances of developing endometriosis. Factors that raise your menstrual exposure, and thus your risk, include having a shorter period cycle, starting your menstruation early, and experiencing menses that last for a week or longer every month.

Pregnancy reduces the number of times you experience menses and decreases your risk. If you already have endometriosis and become pregnant, your symptoms may fade throughout your pregnancy, and return after childbirth.

  1. Conditions That Affect Your Normal Menstrual Flow

One common theory of the cause of endometriosis is the retrograde menstrual flow or flow that moves backward. If you have a health concern that blocks, increases, or redirects your menses, this could be a significant risk factor.

Conditions that cause retrograde menses include enhanced estrogen synthesis, obstruction in your vagina or cervix, and uterine growths like polyps or fibroids. Moreover, a structural abnormality of your vagina, cervix, or uterus, and asynchronous uterine contractions can also cause endometriosis.

  1. Immune system disorders

Immune system disorders also raise your risk factor for endometriosis. If you have a weakened immune system, it will not probably identify misplaced endometrial tissue. The misplaced endometrial tissue remains in the wrong areas, leading to issues like inflammation, lesions, and scarring.

  1. Abdominal surgery

Occasionally, abdominal surgery such as a hysterectomy or C-section could misplace endometrial tissue. If the immune system destroys this misplaced tissue, it could result in endometriosis. Therefore, discussing your surgical history with your physician when assessing your endometriosis symptoms is important.

  1. Age

Endometriosis entails uterine lining cells, so any girl or woman old enough to experience menstruation can develop this condition. Nonetheless, endometriosis is often diagnosed in women in their 20s-30s.

Specialists theorize this is the age bracket when women try conceiving, and for some, infertility is the primary symptom of endometriosis. Women who do not experience serious discomfort associated with menses may not seek specialist care unless they are trying to conceive.

Endometriosis is prevalent, but symptoms vary from one woman to another. If you are at risk for endometriosis, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the warning signs to establish the best course of action. Common symptoms of endometriosis to watch out for include bleeding between periods, pelvic pain, infertility, painful intercourse, heavy menstrual flows, and more. You should not have to live with the symptoms of unmanaged endometriosis. If you suspect you have the condition, or are likely to develop it, talk to your doctor about the best way to manage your risk factors and any prevailing symptoms.

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